European Court Of Human Rights
As of 15 July 2021, all in-person visits to the Detention Centre, including legal visits by Counsel and defence members and non-privileged visits will resume (e.g. family visits, spiritual visits, etc.). The Court endeavours to ensure the mental, physical and spiritual welfare of those in the Detention Centre; detainees have access to fresh air, recreational time, sports activities, library books, news, computers , quality food and facilities for cooking. Detainees are entitled to privacy with defence lawyers, to privileged communication with a consular or diplomatic representative, to visits a minister or spiritual advisor, and to visits with family, including a spouse or partner. Les États Parties Au Statut De Rome He also took part in a conference at the University of KU Leuven on the theme Over-reaching or under-achieving? President Spano was accompanied by Frédéric Krenc, judge elected in respect of Belgium, and Johan Callewaert, Deputy Registrar of the Grand Chamber. The appl